Monday, July 2, 2018

Yoguel's Baptism

This week Yoguel was baptized! He was super happy and so were his parents, Ricardo and Alejandra who came. His parents want to start coming to church but they work on Sundays, so that is a current obtacle. Yoguel has a ton of support from the jovenes though and loves church and the activities! It was also a miracle because 9 of our investigators showed up to the baptism!!

This week we had interviews with President Olsen. The interviews were going really long, and we were last so then President drove us over to get pizza before taking us home. Well thanks Preident.... Pretty much killed me the next day hahaha. But yeah I felt horrible the next day and threw up four times on the side of the street. We were on divisions too, but the day ended up being really productive. Elder Smith and I found three new people and one of them accepted the invitation to be baptism in the first charla for April 27th! His name is Jose and his wife is a less active member. he recieved the missionaries a few years ago and anted to get baptized but they werent married.... But NOW they are married! Woooo!

It was also funny because on divisions Elder Smith and I woke up to a HUGE cricket invasion in our house. Usually our house has a lot of crickets and coakroaches, but this paricular morning, we killed about 40 of them in about 10 minutes. 

We had a cool contact last night. e actually contacted somebody who lives in the United States. Her name was Adrianna and was visiting some family here but has lived in New Jersey for 20 years now and said she has never even seen missionaries beofre but wanted to learn more. It was fun contacting someone in english :)

We have found a ton of new investigators this week, and a few of them went to church too! We are seeing a lot of good things in this area, and I am really hoping I can stay for next change haha :) Last P-day we went fishing with Eduardo and his family, and today, we went to a zoo. Super awesome! It was funny though because there were some really nice monkeys that we were shaking hands with, but then out of no where, one grabbed my watch and pulled really hard!! It broke it.... Hahaha maybe I shouldn´t play with the animals :) Have a great week!

Elder Layton

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