Monday, July 9, 2018

Daylight in Artigas

Well, Artigas is totally AWESOME! Opening an area here is super fun. I don`t know how many members have already played jokes on us though, acting like they were investigators hahaha. Good ol`Uruguayians haha. Anyways, Alejandra is doing awesome. She is reading and praying about the BOM, and feels it is true! She came to a ward activity this week, and loved it. She also accepted a baptismal invitation for July 28th, and committed to coming to church, but she didn`t actually make it, so we have to see what happened there. Also, this week we found a guy named Jorge who was apparently listening to the missionaries 7 years ago, going to church and was going to be baptized, but then his job moved him to Montevideo and he lost contact. Well, since then he has moved back to Artigas, and said he wants to get baptized! He was out of town this weekend, but is going to try to make it for this next weekend.

This week we were contacting late at night and some guy named Bruno let us in. He has apparently listened to the missionaries before but told us that he wasn`t interesting in going to any church. But at the end of the charla, I complemented the awesome rocks he had on the shelf, and so he just said, `yeah, you want one? Just take the one you want.` Well, I kinda felt bad because I didn`t want him to think I was asking for one, but then he just turns around and grabs of the other shelp, the biggest rock he has, and just gives it to me!!!!! Like what? Hahaha, this thing is so cool though. 

This week we had a capilla abierta over in Barrio 3. Elder Weed and I had the baptismal section, and there were about 5-6 people who accepted the invitation to be batpiszed! Super awesome.

Elder Layton

Elder Saylors, Elder Veizaga and Layton 
Archers Uruguay Visit
Elders Peterson Olsen (Presidents son) and Layton

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