So this week we had changes. Elder Romero went off happily,
I am sure he was just so relieved he could get away from me after one whole
change together haha. But really, it was great to be with him, and we had a lot
of fun!
It was actually pretty funny because when he left, we had a little
incident. So in the terminal, right before he left, I had the phone and the
keys and all, but he asked me for the phone to call a member while we were
waiting for the bus. Well I don´t know how we spaced it but he apparently threw
the phone in his own pocket, and then got on the bus... So yeah right when I was
walking out of the terminal with Elder Smith and Elder Flores, I realized I
didn't have the phone and he had taken it. I immediately called him with the
other elders phone, and when he answers, he just said, ´No puede ser!! No puede
ser!!´ Haha so yeah, Elder Veizaga and I had to spend the first couple of days
together without a phone, which surprisingly was pretty tricky, especially as a
zone leader haha. But it was all good because Elder Romero sent it to Salto, and
the other elders were able to coordinate with him to get it back :)

Anyways, the first few days with Elder Veizaga have been
awesome! He is a real stud, and is a very great contacter and teacher. So I
have been learning a lot from him already. Late Friday night, we had about 10
minutes before time to go home, and contacted one more house. A nice lady named
Beatriz let us in, and we had an awesome little charla. She just moved here
after living her whole life in the country and even accepted a baptismal date
for March 23th! We will be hoping and praying that this week she can make it to
Diego and Silvia also finally came to church this week!!!
Man, they are so amazing! We had a super great charla Saturday night, and the
spirit was present, to the point that Silvia pointed it out. The got there
really early and brought their 3 little girls with them too, who loved the
primary and nursury. It is awesome because after our charla on Saturday, they
told us they also want to get married now, because Silvia wants to get baptized
(Diego was baptized when he was 8)!! So this week, we are going to start
working more on that. Yoguel, a 12 year old joven we are teaching also came
with us to church this week, and seemed to make some good friends.
Funny experience: I found my old car this week! We got
talking to some guy and turns out he spoke english because he lived in New
Jersey for over 40 years. He said he was Catholic and there was no way we could
convice him to change, but he was really cool, and said he even brought his car
with him he had in the states. He showed us and I said, ´Hey! that´s my car!!!´
Haha yeah he had the my exact 1999 gray honda accord and everything! Super
funny :)
This week we playe fútbol with the zone. I got a picture
with Elder Carducci and Augusto (a joven who is preparing for a misson! Stud :)
Anyways love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Layton